Sunday, June 2, 2013

Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany

Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8

Over the last two or three days one half of the country was faced with an incredible amount of water coming from above and filling the rivers throughout the region. At the moment there are still a few places where the situation is under high-alert, because the large amount of water still fills up the bigger rivers like the Rhine or Donau. Yesterday I had a meeting around noon and left together with my camera. On my way back I stopped next to the road at a place where there's usually no water on the fields. This day there was a wonderful sea with some very cool reflections. Working with one lens and focal-length only was a very inspiring feeling and I'm finally pretty happy with the results for a little unexpected photo experience. Enjoy!

PS: There is a second announcement today. I redesigned and renamed my blog and my tumblr-page together with a new and fresh logodesign. Together with the recent changes on the new flickr I'm finally able to use it as a storage base for the blog content uploading the same data that I'm using on tumblr. This makes me really happy, because I wanted something where I can write a bit more as well as a photo-only tumblelog. So from today on, there won't be any larger texts on tumblr, but only a link below every photo or photostory that can me visited here on blogger.

Welcome to Inside the Framelines! Don't forget that the website URL has changed, too! It's now http://insidetheframelines.blogspot.com/. You can still use the general http://www.pholux.com/.
If you are on tumblr you can follow here: http://martinlux.tumblr.com/

Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8
Heavy Rainfall in South of Germany, Leica M8

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