Monday, June 17, 2013

My blogging history...

Downtown Buenos Aires
Downtown Buenos Aires
...isn't a very long story. In fact I had several attempts to start setting up a home for my thoughts and photographs but never really could keep up my personal interest level after I had it all set up. In fact I think that I'm not alone in this position.

There are so many interesting and inspiring blogs out there featuring a huge variety of genres like food, travel, lifestyle, design, clothes, music and so on. As a reader it sometimes feels to be very hard to follow every singe post of your favorite blogs as their number is growing constantly.

An important role of increasing the number of your personal blog favorites plays the presentation of other bloggers inside your favorite ones. The blogger you are following likes another blog or portfolio and shares it with his audience (you) and often this other artist will catch your interest too and there we have another new followed blog inside your bookmarks or reader.

One day maybe there appears an idea in your mind that you might want to set up your own home for thoughts and any other audio/visual stuff you are creating. Your own website? Good homes for personal websites aren't cheap like Virb or Squarespace although they offer a great variety of designs and functionality.
You then realize that the most economical way for setting up your personal presence in the world-wide-web might be a blogging platform. Wordpress, Blogger and Tumblr to mention only my favorites do offer a great variety of designs that should please almost every user and with Blogger and Tumblr you even have the possibility to create your own design and use your coding skills to adjust every single piece of your blog layout. So from highly visual up to 100% text-blogging everything is possible and if you like to get something special, there are a lot of premium themes with very good support that implement even new stuff like HTML5 and jQuery into your blog design of moving objects and very professional layout and design.

Setting up a blog and designing the user interface is one side of the story, the other is that you need to handle the fact that it's great to create a new design and website but after you have everything set up, you need to work constantly on new content for your blog. The hardest part of it seems to be in my eyes, that as a newbie you face the fact that you don't have a large audience and getting new readers is not that easy as you think. You need to interact with other blogs, even those new-ones like you and show your interest. Share your thoughts and refer to your own work or present the work of others between your own work. But don't forget your own stuff. Your blog lives from your personal work and thoughts not only from those you feature, because they are maybe well known, but it remains their work and not yours. It might be the worst situation if others would like your blog only because of the art others create. It's not impossible to set something up like this, too. For example a blog that only shares the work of other important bloggers because you are only addicted to read other blogs but don't want to create something of your own.

For those of you who are at the same position as I am, good luck! It's hard work at the beginning because there is so many great stuff out there but I will try to keep this updated frequently for giving you something to look at, read and maybe inspire you for walking a step further and set up your own blog to present your work and not let it die unseen on your harddrives or inside of your brain.

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